Climate Emergency Centre Jena – Who we are and what we stand for

In German

Last changed March 13th, 2024; translated July 23rd, 2024

Climate and species protection as well as climate impact adaptation are imperative in view of the ecological crises. We view a societal and systemic transformation as the key to a good life for us and all future generations.
Inspired by the British idea of the Climate Emergency Centre, the vision of creating a climate emergency centre in Jena was conceived. The centre is meant to provide comprehensive education on the topic of climate justice, enable and strengthen resident participation and thus accompany the necessary socio-ecological transformation:
Broad education about the climate crisis, planetary boundaries and adaptation strategies is an essential part of moving towards a climate-just world. Only those who understand the connections can accept and support the need for change, i.e. transformation. We want to highlight solutions to tackle the climate crisis on a large and small scale and develop these further together with the residents of Jena and the surrounding area. A sustainable way of life must not remain niche knowledge.
We view democratic and direct resident participation as an elementary component of reducing greenhouse gases – in parallel with the urgently needed technical, urban planning and consumption-related measures. Resident participation also means creating self-efficacy in the population so that participation in and identification with local, regional, national and global changes is strengthened and made possible.
Social innovations are required for socio-ecological and societal transformation. They usually originate from small groups and individuals and are developed further in order to test their significance on a large scale and to apply them. As the Climate Emergency Centre Jena, we want to provide a creative space in which ideas for a sustainable way of life can emerge.

What defines us?

1. Finding new ways of organizing, working and living
We are in favor of a socio-ecological transformation in view of the consequences of the climate crisis and species extinction. In doing so, we take a broad view beyond municipal adaptation processes such as mobility, energy and construction to society as a whole. In our view, focusing on decarbonization alone is not enough to overcome the crises. We are committed to putting the needs of people and all living beings at the centre of our actions. Due to their special abilities, we believe that humans are particularly responsible for nature and living beings.
We support climate and social justice. After all, the fight for climate justice cannot be conceived without social and economic justice.
For us, social and systemic transformation also includes addressing the world of work and the economy, because the economic order and the climate crisis are directly linked. The resources on planet Earth are finite, but our global economic model is based on infinite growth and is constantly exploiting nature and people in the process. We are currently seeing ever greater inequality of opportunity, which distributes wealth and prosperity to a select few. This inequality exists and is growing worldwide, but it is above all the people in countries of the Global South who are most affected by the consequences of this exploitative way of doing business and the effects of ecological crises.
In our view, a good life for all people on this planet requires an economy that is orientated towards the common good. The development and implementation of a post-capitalist system without an orientation towards profit is essential for this. The production of goods must be orientated towards the true needs of people and the aspect of sustainability. The circular economy must be actively practiced. We must use our labor for the realization of social goals and not to maximize the profits of corporations. Surpluses must no longer be channeled into financial transactions; they must be used to develop innovations. Everyone must be able to make a good living from their work. Wealth must be actively redistributed to ensure genuine equality of opportunity.
We don’t want a life in which we have to work to the point of exhaustion in order to earn money to spend on consumer goods that we neither need nor make us happier. We should focus on socially important work that is not profit-driven. Shorter working hours are not only healthier and give us more free time to balance our work, but they also create more opportunities for self-sufficiency, family and neighborhood help, time for repairing items that we would have thrown away due to lack of time and replaced with new products, time for personal development, communication and engagement.
We want to specifically analyze the connections and place the current forms of living and working in the context of the climate crisis and species extinction. One focus of the Climate Emergency Centre Jena will be to further develop of the local work environment in Jena in a climate-friendly and ecologically sustainable direction.

2. Cultivating self-care and creating community
We also believe that a connecting structure is needed for all those involved in the fight for climate and social justice. In view of the impending catastrophe and the continued inadequate action of politics and business, we want to provide a space for emotions such as disappointment, grief and despair, but without becoming cynical or passive. We are committed to a regenerative culture and self-care. We believe that creating community is a key element especially in crisis situations and also as a source of new ways of living and working.

3. Act regionally, think globally
The Climate Emergency Centre Jena aims to make a decisive contribution to achieving local climate neutrality and social transformation in Jena. We view ourselves as the primary point of contact and reliable source for residents in all matters relating to socio-ecological change. In doing so, we always strive to send a message beyond the borders of Jena. A complete societal transformation is only possible in a global context. Individual and municipal measures have their limits in terms of complete climate neutrality, which is why we are committed to a global systemic transformation alongside local and regional change.

Who do we want to address?
The Climate Emergency Centre Jena primarily addresses residents of Jena and the surrounding area of all ages. We want to accompany them in the process of socio-ecological transformation at a local level and also encourage them to actively participate in the process of societal change, to shape it and to work towards societal and systemic change beyond Jena out of intrinsic motivation.
The residents know best the problems, barriers and needs in Jena and the surrounding area and are therefore also the ones who can develop creative ideas, new initiatives and networks in their community in a future-oriented way.
In order to achieve this, we connect various actors, groups and initiatives from the climate justice and social movement with the residents.
We work to raise awareness about the issues of the climate crisis, the need for climate neutrality and adaptation, the preservation of biodiversity and socio-ecological change. Communicating knowledge in an accessible way is essential for us.
We want to strengthen residents‘ own initiatives through encouragement and practical measures. Opportunities to try things out should be created. We want to emphasize and promote the benefits of mutual support and cooperation at the smallest level.
By communicating information, we want to create a strong awareness of the need for climate and species protection and to adapt to future challenges, some of which are already present. Only a change in awareness makes it possible to generate interest in the process of socio-ecological change. Only those who are interested in the topic of socio-ecological change can develop a positive attitude towards the changes and also support them, implement them in their own lives and demand them from politics and society. Fundamental societal and ecological changes for a better life for all living beings on this planet are only possible as the sum of many actions.

Which values is our work based on?

  •  The Climate Emergency Centre Jena is open and accessible to everyone who identifies with our values.
  • We welcome internationality as well as cultural and individual diversity. We actively invite LGBTQIA+(1) people, BIPoC(2) and disabled people to contribute their perspectives and skills to the process of socio-ecological transformation.
  • We make transparent how people can get involved and how decisions are made.
  • We reach decisions together by consensus.
  • We share fundamental values such as justice, inclusivity, honesty, reasonable and mutually enriching freedom, respect, trust and responsibility.
  • We maintain non-violent communication with each other and with all other people whenever possible.
  • We clearly distance ourselves from any form of discrimination and from profit interests.
  • We remain open to suggestions, ideas for improvement and constructive criticism from inside and outside.
  • We continue to educate ourselves academically, methodically and didactically.
  • We cultivate a regenerative culture by looking after ourselves, each other and the world around us.
  • We practice regular reflection on our work and cooperation within the group and externally. We annually review this text (who we are and what we stand for).
  • We bring meaning, creativity and joy to our work.
  • We strive for a sustainable orientation of the Climate Emergency Centre Jena.
  • We work with the idea of mutual aid, support and cooperation.
  • We support direct democracy, the development of communities and assemblies.
  • Actions in the name of the Climate Emergency Centre Jena are coordinated with the group beforehand.
  • The Climate Emergency Centre Jena is a place for developing, learning, trying out, and reflecting.
  • We actively seek to network with other groups and initiatives in the context of the climate justice and social movement.
  • Our aim is to work together with, not to recruit people from other groups and initiatives.
  • We are involved in climate and species protection and adaptation projects in Jena and the surrounding area.
  • Our aim is to provide barrier-free access both on site and digitally.
  • We pay attention to gender-inclusive language.
  • We show understanding for the conflicting goals of the various stakeholders in the process of systemic and societal transformation. We are committed to mediation and finding solutions together.
  • We emphasize participation in order to shape societal transformation together with people.

(1) Abbreviation for ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual’.
(2) Abbreviation for ‘Black, Indigenous and People of Colour’.